A few months ago, I was a guest speaker for ABWA. My presentation was Speak Powerfully Sell More: Speak Your Way to More Business.
One woman in the audience asked a question about how to handle a celebrity who is hired to speak and doesn't deliver. This woman went on a rant about how many of these celebrities are not good speakers and yet meeting planners continue to hire them. I explained that the reason for that was event planners want to sell tickets. An event will sell out when the keynote speaker is a celebrity.
This made me reflect on my own experience at conferences and I had to agree. I recall one convention where I signed up for the lunch event for an additional charge. The guest speaker was a well known television personality. And he was late! We had already been served the main course before he cavalierly sauntered on stage in his jeans and pec-enhanced tee shirt. I enjoyed his stories but I couldn't get past his lateness. He never made mention of it. The woman sitting next to me had booked celebrity speakers in a past job and told me that they don't care if they're late. They expect everybody to wait for them.
It seems that some celebrities don't prepare or don't know the audience. One woman media personality gave a presentation about herself and her career path. Who cares? Can you spell BORING? Some celebrity speakers trade on their name and expect to be paid just for showing up.
A number of years ago, I was hired by the National Basketball Association when they launched the NBDL (minor league team). My job was to media train the team presidents and media relations people of these newly formed teams. The media training was well-received. One woman thanked me and said that she had recently been part of the Olympic committee.
The committee brought in the "big gun" media trainers who were television anchors. She confided to me that these anchors "Just showed us videos and told us stories. But you showed us how to do it."
Once again, it's all about perceived value. I'm sure I made a fraction of what they paid these anchors. But because of their celebrity status, they were considered excellent media trainers.
So what is the solution? How can meeting planners and speakers bureaus ensure that the celebrity speakers can deliver? They can't. Some guest speakers have a good reputation for consistently delivering a great keynote speech. Hire them. But let's say you want a particular celebrity for your meeting because you'll sell out your event, but you know the speaker doesn't have very good platform skills?
Don't give the celebrity the keynote speech. Instead, feature them as the main event for an interview on stage. Conduct the interview "Charlie Rose" style. Then hire a professional speaker who can wow the crowd or has strong content. The audience will get exposure to the celebrity or guest, the celebrity's ego will be intact as the main act, and you won't lose your reputation as an event planner.
When it comes to meetings and events, public speaking skills matter. The event is only as good as the speakers. The audience will pay to hear a celebrity, but if he doesn't deliver, they may not come back the next time.
If you book celebrity speakers, I'd love to hear how you ensure that they will deliver on the platform. And what do you do when they disappoint the audience? Would you hire a celebrity speaker the next time? Or would you try a less known presenter or entertainer?
Diane, it's so refreshing to read your thoughts - I wish there were more people as passionate as you and katrina Mitchell about professional speaking here in the U.K.
These high profile "unprofessional speakers" are often, what I call "Lost in show business" with their wrongly inflated egos and sheltered, narrow environments.
I coach a singer songwriter who writes for and networks with some of the biggest stars in the world. In his words: he loves working with me because he has learned to only be impressed by someone when they prove delivery or are seen to "walk the talk"
Being a celebrity in one area does mean you are a great speaker, who cares about your audience and is passionate about giving great value.
I think my Top Tips to booking a great speaker that is on my Linkedin profile :
is probably similar to yours.
Keep championing the cause "for giving great value" :)
Celebrity speakers can be an issue for meeting and event planners. To me, the mark of a true professional speaker is someone who delivers what is promised, arrives on time, and is respectful to all.
I found your Tips very helpful and we are reprinting them in our blog (with attribution, of course). Thank you for putting them out there.
Here's the link: http://www.diresta.com/the-top-things-to-consider-when-booking-your-keynote-speaker/