How to Create or Change Your Directory Listing

Unlike most online business directories, you have complete control over the content of your directory listing on Franchise-Info.

Your directory listing is your primary advertising to the franchise industry - so you want complete control over how you look to the franchise industry.

In this article, I am going to show you how to sign in to the publishing back-end of our platform & how to change the content of your directory listing.

There are three steps involved.

1.  Sign in to the publishing back-end.

2.  Find or create a directory listing -a  page, not entry, on the Franchise-Info website, not blog.

3.  Make the changes to your directory page.  Save, and let me know so I can publish your changes.

1. How to Sign in to the Publishing Back-End

To publish articles, entries, or make changes to your directory, pages, you need to sign in with your userid & password to the publishing back-end.

Use this url:

Don't confuse this with signing in on front end  at franchise-info. us  or to comment.

Only by sigining to: can you add articles or change your directory listing.

The rest of this example shows you screen shots, as if you were Fred Berni.  But, you should see similar screens when you sign in.  

And if you don't, yell at me to make the changes - I haven't given you the correct privileges.

When Fred signs in to the back-end, this what he will see.

Sign In.png

Click on the image to see the full size. 

Save your password, by clicking on the button on the far top right.


2. How to find or create a directory listing -a  page, not entry, on the Franchise-Info website, not blog.

Look at the tabs on the far left, just under your picture.  You should see something like this: a tab for webistes, and another for blogs - directory listing, or articles.


(If you only see the "Blogs" tab, contact me because I haven't given you the right privileges.)

Fred wants to create a new page, so he should click on "0 pages".

Or, if he has created a page, his directory listing, then he would see something like:


Again, click on the page link and you will get to this screen.


This is your directory listing, click on it and start changing it.

Save your changes, let me know & it will get published on the front page - the vendor directory.

Any questions, let me know in the comments.  Thanks.