The Method - Negotiation War Gaming

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Since 1811, intelligence services, the military, and politi­cal leaders have participated in War Games (structured, in­ter­active simulations, also known as role-play simulations) for the purpose of predicting and preparing themselves for the outcome and the consequences of the meeting with their adversaries. Business War Gaming is the generic term for the civilian versions of this thoroughly tested and fre­quent­ly applied intelligence method, which improves tacti­cal forecasting and strategic planning. A Business War Game is a role-play simu­la­­tion of a specific, business-related situation.

In a Negotiation War Game the company's own employees become involved in the actual analysis by acting partly as the company itself, partly as the other negotiating party. On the basis of an advanced forecasting method in which stake­hold­er information, issue understanding, and inter­active simu­lations are combined, the outcome of negotiations can be rendered probable and thus contribute to the company's handling of negotiations.

Who Uses The Method?

During the past 60 years, the method has proved indispensable to the major part of the US Fortune 500 companies. The most successful companies in the world have used the method to generate forecasts to better tactical and strategic decision making. The method is also frequently used by negotiation experts, because of the methods great accuracy when predicting outcomes of complicated negotiations. Finally the method is frequently used by the US army and CIA to predict the actions of terrorists and insurgents in critical situations.

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This page contains a single entry by Søren Malmborg published on April 10, 2012 6:17 PM.

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