Results tagged “How Many Franchise Leads am I Going to Get?”
Why Your Franchise Leads Refuse to Talk with You
The Franchise sales process has changed since I began over 20 years ago. Back when I started out, people interested in franchises used the telephone to inquire and request information. Because they saw our ads in the Wall Street Journal...
Why You Won't Sell Franchises at the International Franchise Expo in June 2014
Some will have the following at the International Franchise Expo - The biggest baddest trade show booth. An expensive video presentation for attendees to watch. Really cool branded trinkets & tchotchkes. An on-site kitchen to feed the masses &...
How to Sell More Franchises By Reducing Your Leads
I once took over a franchise develeopment department where the sales team was getting 5000 leads a year. The sales team was very proud of that 5000 lead number and so was the CEO of the company. We were popular...
8 Easy to Do LinkedIn Franchise Selling Secrets Guaranteed to Work
Yes I know. You sell franchises. Your leads are delivered to you. But you want social media - in particular LinkedIn to be a source of great and cheaply found new franchisees? You and everyone else! And that's unlikely to...