"The survey asked Comfort Keepers franchisees to rate their franchisor through a series of questions regarding overall growth potential, quality, support, communication, and other important areas.
The results, according to Johnson, show that Comfort Keepers has an enthusiastic, energetic franchisee community of which 92 percent agree that their franchisor understands that if the franchisee is successful, they will be as well.
According to the FranSurvey system, Comfort Keepers achieved a positive rating from 94 percent of its new franchisees for 'initial opening support,' while 95 percent rated the 'initial training' provided by the franchisor as positive.
"It takes a quality franchise system to achieve this high level of results," added Johnson."
I would encourage individual interested in this system to spend the $25.00 and obtain the entire survey.
Then my preference would be to de-construct it by focusing on only two answers: the best and worst. Aggregating survey answers is often misleading. The difference between awarding a franchise a top mark, say a 5, versus the next top mark, say a 4, is very large. Looking a raw scores of best/worst and how they vary overtime gives a broader view of franchisee satisfaction.
Franchisee satisfaction surveys should be conducted by the independent franchisee association as another method of gaining valuable intelligence with which to communicate to the franchisor.
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