December 2010 Archives

2011 National Convention


Convention Dates:  Friday March 25th - Monday March 28th  201.


Destination:  Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress - Orlando, FL


Convention Highlights


?     "Sales Saturday" - The focus of day-1 will be on Building Restaurant Sales and Traffic highlighted by interactive Breakout sessions led by industry experts!  


?      "Making Money Monday" - The focus on the last day will shift to Profitability and money making ideas highlighted by our Keynote Speaker followed by additional interactive Breakout Sessions featuring experts as workshop facilitators.


?     Big Vendor Exhibit Show!


?      Take-Home Value & Sharing Best Practices - time to interact and learn from fellow franchisees and other attendees!


?     Lots of fun, too with great food, parties and entertainment!


The final convention agenda will be published during January 2011 detailing specific topics and announcing guest speakers and presenters.



Complete Convention Information is available on the Association website.  You may also register for the convention and make hotel reservations on line: 

Go to:


If you should have questions or need for additional information, please contact the Association office: Phone: 877.455.4749 or

 E-mail: [email protected]


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This page is an archive of entries from December 2010 listed from newest to oldest.

October 2010 is the previous archive.

January 2011 is the next archive.

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