How DDIFO is Changing the Tip Pooling Law


This is a must listen! Click Here to listen to Robert Branca on the Jeff Katz Show talk about a Bad Law!

Robert Branca, a Dunkin’ Donut franchisee in Mass, NY, Ohio and Fla., spoke to Jeff Katz a radio talk show host in the Boston area on AM 1200 this morning (7/19/2012) at 8:30 am.

They may have gotten his title wrong but he did a great job in explaining how all the good intentions legislators have and many times it is warranted, can lead to monumental problems for small business owners and in the case of the tip pooling law in Mass. negatively impacting lower wage workers and even the customers of the establishment.

Changing a mistaken law is one of the hardest things to do, because people who benifit from that law, defend it. In the case of the tip-pooling law, plaintiff attorneys are benefiting by suing Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks because of the ambiguity written into the law.

DDIFO, DDFO MassPAC, RABA, Starbucks and others have joined together to try and get the law changed. This legislative session closes July 31, 2012 and we need to do everything possible to change the law.

If you are a Massachusetts residence and ask you State Senator to SAVE THE TIP CUP, to find your State Senator Click Here!

Read Senator Rodrigues, one of the orginal sponsors of the the tip pooling legislation in 2004, letter to Senator Joyce urging his committee to add an amendment to change the law.

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