January 2013 Archives

On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 you can meet Steve Caldeira in person at the Capital Area Franchise Association - CAFA luncheon meeting at the Columbia Country Club, Chevy Chase, MD and hear him share his perspectives on a range of franchising issues, including capital access, health care, taxes, franchise growth and franchising's importance and impact on our economy. And you can have lunch with him.

Now, there are a lot of hardworking women and men in franchising. And we certainly appreciate their efforts, however Steve Caldeira, President and CEO of the International Franchise Association - IFA has been front and center franchising's chief advocate and spokesperson.

What I like about Steve is his ability to make friends wherever he goes and even with those who might not immediately share the IFA's economic and financial vision.

If you have never had the pleasure of meeting Steve in person here's a quick video review of Steve doing what he does best.

Watch Steve in action at the 2012 IFA Convention

Steve has focused the IFA team on what's important to franchisees and franchisors.

And here's what happened with the IFA and franchising in 2012?

Steve was our CAFA guest speaker last year when we had an overflow audience.

So this year we've taken great care to ensure everyone will have great seats with plenty of time to network with your new and old franchising friends. Be sure to get yours now.

CAFA was founded in 1989 by franchise professionals in the Mid-Atlantic region, Warren Lee Lewis, a franchise lawyer with Akerman Senterfitt LLP, and well known franchise professionals Mary Rogers and Karen Marshall.

For 23 years CAFA has like clockwork, 6 times a year on the 3rd Tuesday of alternating months, brought together some of the best, brightest and most innovative franchisors, franchisees and franchising professionals to learn and share their franchising knowledge and insights.

CAFA is member organization that is dedicated to the best in franchising and franchise education.

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