July 2013 Archives

3 Tips for Happy Franchisees


How often success or failure can be attributed to a bad franchisee?

It seems to have become popular to bash franchisors, but I believe that most of them are credible business enterprises, after all they have spent a lot of time effort and money to create a viable concept and business system and then they had to be scrutinized and pass regulatory hurdles, prepare a plethora of legal documents and then spend even more to promote their concept in a very competitive arena.

Because of this, it is possible that all to often in their desire to gain acceptance, they do not properly scrutinize and qualify their prospective candidates. I am sure that most zors survey their prospects for financial suitability, but I wonder how many test their prospects aptitude and personality for the field?

How many require the prospect to work as an intern under direct supervision of the franchisors for at least a week?

How many require the prospect to do their due diligence by preparing a business plan and cash flow analysis for the proposed location? 

A franchise creates a culture and as we all know, a few bad apples can spoil the proverbial barrel.

It's nice to think that you can formulate a system that will determine a good or bad franchise, but if you follow that logic, you never would have invested in Mc Donalds in its early years, after all the head of the company had been bankrupt and it was a relatively new and untested category and there was feuding and litigation between the principals of the firm.

Take responsibility for your success; in order to succeed in any new enterprise, it is important that you do your due diligence. That would include, but is not limited to: 

1. A realistic assessment of your financial capabilities; 
2. Demographics, including: site analysis, population density, income, traffic count and retail environment. 
3. Lastly, you should do a cash flow analysis to project how your assessment of these factors will translate into the business model you are considering and give you an anticipated outcome. 

Although the results will be hypothetical and will surely vary in reality, it will still serve to help you set your initial goals and give you a picture of what to expect from your new venture. 

Once you have completed these three steps, a picture should be emerging of your opportunity to succeed in your chosen endeavor.

Remember, the franchisor can only provide you with a system that has been successful in the past, train you how to use it and provide reasonable support, but it is up to you to make it work.

They cannot guarantee your success, nor should they; only if you have done your due diligence and are willing to put in the time and effort to make it work, will you succeed.

Franchising is an industry over 150 years old that has grown into a solid foundation powering the American economy.

As a way to pay homage to the innovators that have taken it to this level, and building on the recent momentum of Small Business Week and the International Franchise Expo,

Empowerkit has launched an interactive websites called "Franchising Pioneers".

On this website, visitors will be able to go through 50 of the top movers and shakers in the industry, read about their contribution to franchising and vote for their favorite one!

Visitors can become inspired reading out each pioneer, and the voting helps to make the experience more interactive and engaging.

Franchising is a $2 trillion industry, and one of the largest drivers of job growth and economic output.

These pioneers are the people to thank for that.

The 10 pioneers that receive the most votes will be featured in an upcoming series that will take a more in-depth look at their contribution to franchising. All voters will be delivered a free printed copy of this series.

To vote, go to www.empowerkit.com/pioneers and get your favorite pioneer one step closer to the finish line.


Voting will close on July 31st. The next day, August 1st, Empowerkit will announce the winners and start developing the series.


Like the baker who decorates his pastry with confectioner's sugar, Dunkin' Brands CEO Nigel Travis and his executive team use numbers to sweeten the story of success they present to Wall Street. Since Dunkin' Brands (DBI) went public in 2011, the stock has performed well--perhaps even better than many expected. It's more than doubled since the July 2011 IPO.

But that's the Wall Street story. The franchisee story--attaining proper shop economics, shop expansion, profits, return on investment--is a longer, more complicated game.

I monitored the two-day Annual Investor Session last month in Canton where the focus was, understandably, on the Dunkin' investor story. And, while there are some clear differences between the way the franchisor, its franchisees and the investment community view the world, overall Travis and his team did a fine job of presenting a sweet story which Wall Street believes, at least for now.

The Numbers Tell the Story, But Whose Numbers matter?

Investors like Dunkin' stock (symbol: DNKN) largely because of its expansion potential, low capital needs and predictable and growing franchisor cash flow. But that franchisor cash flow comes from franchisees investing, operating and expanding.

Perhaps that is why Travis revealed more about domestic, new store economics than any franchisor has done in recent memory. He indicated the annual sales average for new stores opened in 2012 was $936,000 with a $420,000 buildout investment and a 13-15% earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) margin--resulting in a 25-30% cash on cash return.

It must be noted, however, that the EBITDA calculation above ignores franchisee capital expenditures (CAPEX), overhead and debt service requirements. Chief Financial Officer Paul Carbone noted the 25-30% cash on cash return in year one for the emerging and west markets but, that calculation ignores future year's CAPEX and maintenance CAPEX.

My opinion, based on studying several prior Dunkin' presentations and working with franchisees, is that franchisees generally need more than the 25% cash on cash return metric, and should say so the next time DBI asks their opinion.

Wall Street anticipated DBI raising the number of targeted US openings this year. Instead DBI retained its 2013 guidance at plus 330 to 360 domestic Dunkin' shop openings for this year--including the opening of the first Denver store in Q4 2013.

Going forward, however, Travis indicated the company will increase the US DD new store opens outlook for 2014, implying it would be 6% versus the previous guidance of up to 5%.

Dunkin' continues to promote the themes that the company is asset light and sees lots of white space available for US expansion. Travis makes the point that new stores opening within the expansion zone continue to improve their all-important first-year numbers.

Getting Products to Market

Now that Dunkin's western distribution center is up and running, DBI has a better story to tell with regard to its supply chain. At the investor session, Chief Supply Officer Scott Murphy noted the average national pricing cost of goods sold for a typical Dunkin' located in the southwest section of the US unit--most likely the Phoenix market, generated savings of 300 basis points or 3 percentage points.

Murphy says that is right on target. And, while he did not specify savings in other regions, it is anticipated that improvements to the supply chain as a result of the new National DCP Agreement will yield savings from the elimination of fuel surcharges, reduction in distribution markup and new sourcing.

One point of interest to franchisees in established markets involves the use of frozen products--JBOD--and fresh-baked products.

According to Murphy, DBI's product distribution goal is a combination of products baked in central kitchens (CML) for morning and early afternoon hours and JBOD products in the evening.

He also suggested that older CMLs, those at the end of their economic life cycle, would likely close and merge. When questioned about the development of CMLs in new markets, Murphy said, "Once 40 to 50 shops were gained, that capital would be injected and a CML built."

He did not address from where the capital funds would come or how a CML would service its debt and maintain its economics over time.

Franchisee and Franchisor Differences in Perspectives

The entire presentation theme typifies the difference in perspective between DBI and its franchise owners, what Travis calls a "pluralistic notion" defining the interests of franchisees versus the interests of the franchisor. He admitted there are--and should be--differences in philosophy, driven by profit differences.

Franchisor profitability and growth can conflict with franchisee profitability and growth. And, there is the way franchisor and franchisee view time. Dunkin' Brands--and Wall Street--emphasize short term metrics, which fundamentally differ from franchisees' long-term perspective. The franchise owner looks at the return on investment over the entire term of a contract that can span economic peaks and valleys.

Still, Travis and his team believe in recognizing these differences and being flexible enough to build bridges to success.

At one point the CEO was specifically asked about issues Dunkin' Donuts has with its franchisees.

He said, "It was tough to think about major disagreements. We redid the franchise agreement; we tackled the supply chain..."

It was the CFO, Paul Carbone, who noted the primary issue of contention was where to build new units and which franchisee(s) should be allowed to proceed first.

Chief Operating Officer, Paul Twohig addressed new store development and, the sensitive topic of cannibalization. He said DBI used market site intercepts and market surveys.

But, at the end, determining how many new units to build and how close those should be situated to existing locations came down to both art and science.

The Future

On Wall Street, every quarter tells a new story. For Dunkin' Brands, key factors that will foster brand visibility and sales growth in emerging markets include robust national cable television advertising and the presence of Dunkin' Donuts products in the grocery channel.

DBI, like many successful companies, sees the value in collecting data on its customers through its customer relationship management (CRM) program which helps drive new marketing initiatives, like the DD Perks program and the DD mobile phone app.

These initiatives can assist new and existing franchisees increase customer counts and unit level economics--which translate into profits for both the franchisee and the franchisor.

Wall Street has learned that Dunkin's asset light story really puts the pressure on franchisees to invest capital, time and effort into building new locations and expanding existing ones. So far, the investor community likes what it sees and hears.

As I write this, Dunkin' stock is peaking and Travis is proudly pointing out how the company culture has changed since 2008, becoming a more operations focused and franchisee-friendly culture.

Travis's philosophy and DNKN's performance are fundamental to the Wall Street story.

But, the Dunkin' franchisee story is more complicated. What remains to be seen is whether long-term returns on franchisee investments, and the collaborative spirit with Dunkin' Brands will hold up in the face of increased pressure to close the white space and keep the profits--and the coffee--flowing.

For more of John Gordon's articles, please read here.

Any franchisor interested in maintaining a durable and substainable franchise system has to first make sure that most, if not all, the franchisees are making money.

So, if you are a franchisor, franchisee interested in improving and measuring profitability, then this event is for you. 

If participating in this Roundtable Event adds only 1% to unit level P&L bottom line this year it will be worth your time and attention.

Our experts will have you wondering if your Franchisor's agreement requires for Franchisee's P&L's on a monthly basis, then what reports should be available to assist in business planning.


Click Now to Register and Save Your Seat



 John Gordon, Analyst 


 Gregory Plotts, Accountant

       Syed Iqbal, Popeye's Franchise



 Warren Lee Lewis, Moderator 


Here are the Topics that our experts will cover:


1. Why You need to look at more than Top Line Sales.

2. Why Cash is King and not Earnings, or EBITDA.

3. How to Construct a Useful Standard Chart of Accounts.

4. How to Get Your Franchisees to Want to Provide their P&Ls, every month like clockwork.

5. Empower Franchise Business Consultants with Reports that matter to Franchisees



When & Where is the Event:


Tuesday, July 16th, 2013, from 11:45 - 2pm;

Registration 11:45 - 12:15 - Lunch 12:15 - 12:45 - RoundTable 12:45-2:00

The Tower Club

8000 Towers Crescent Drive,  Suite 1700

Vienna, VA 222812


Click Now to Register and Save Your Seat


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