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Curves New Board Elected


The 2010 Elections for the CFA Executive Board are now closed and the results are in. As President, I am pleased to introduce your newly-elected Regional Representatives for the Executive Board of the Curves Franchisee Association:

Region 1

  • Elaine Solomon
  • Nancy Noonan

Region 2

  • Alisha Haskins

Region 3

  • Tracy Singel (UnOpposed)


  • Deanne MacIntosh


  • Audrey Webb

The CFA Executive Board will do a brief orientation with the newly-elected Members and officially install them into office at our upcoming meeting in Dallas in August (dates to be determined). Once they complete the necessary paperwork required by all Board Members, they will be invited onto the Executive Board conference calls and CFA list-serves to get them up to speed as quickly as possible so that they can best serve you, the members.

If you would like to see more details regarding the recent election, go to www.curvesfa.organd click on the 'Legal' tab. There you will find a drop down menu. Click on the "Miscellaneous" option which will allow you to see a more detailed breakdown on the results.

Congratulations and a warm welcome to our new Executive Board Representatives. We look forward to the talents, skills and experiences you will bring to our Organization and to its members.

Therese Bertrand, President

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