The Silver Tsunami Is Here... Get Ready to Ride!

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What is the silver tsunami? The term "silver tsunami" is used to describe the tidal wave of baby boomers approaching their senior years and the approaching challenge of caring for our loved ones as they age. Is the challenge of caring for this silver tsunami a problem or an opportunity?

The U.S Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging's latest statistics show:

  • The population age 65 and over numbered 44.7 million in 2013, an increase of 8.8 million or 24.7% since 2003.

  • The number of Americans aged 45-64--who will reach 65 over the next two decades--increased by 20.7% between 2003 and 2013.

  • About one in every seven, or 14.1%, of the population is an older American.

  • Persons reaching age 65 have an average life expectancy of an additional 19.3 years (20.5 years for females and 17.9 years for males).

What happens when these folks are no longer able to care for themselves? Are they going to want to leave their home and go into an assisted living facility or nursing home? How can you be part of the solution and help them stay safely in their homes?

The reality is that most families put off facing the difficult decisions related to helping their loved ones remain safe until it is too late. Maybe mom falls and breaks her hip or grandpa has a stroke and struggles to think clearly.

All of a sudden they are unable to independently live safely in their homes. In the hospital the discharge planner will want to know that mom and grandpa will be safe when they return home.

Family members are faced with difficult decisions that have to be made within a matter of a few days. How long will it take mom to recover? Who is going to stay with grandpa?

The answer for many is arranging for professional caregivers to provide in-home care. If you care about seniors and their families you can make a difference in your community now.

There are strong senior care franchise systems in place that can enable you to provide services for families in need to preserve quality of life for everyone involved.

Now is the time to get in on the ground floor to take advantage of the impending "silver tsunami" while becoming a valuable resource in your community. This is a tidal wave you may want to learn to ride!

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Jim -

Do I need previous healthcare experience to be in my own senior care business?

No Joe... you generally do not need previous healthcare experience to be awarded a franchise in the senior care industry. Most senior care franchise systems are developed to partner with people who have compassion for seniors first and foremost along with networking abilities and management skills. With these personal elements in place, combined with a strong work ethic, solid senior care franchisors have the systems in place to enable success and a fulfilling career.

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This page contains a single entry by Jim Waters published on June 24, 2016 11:50 AM.

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