Recently in Franchise-Info Category

This Week In Review Endorsing, Leads and Hiring 


This week's top story has been a consistently interesting story. 

For me, it raises a unique problem.  Whom do you write for -humans or the bots?

The second story raises one my favourite ideas: Which Franchisor's methods of recruiting Franchise Owners also help Franchise Owners reduce turnover?

The third story revisited another theme: How do franchisors move beyond the web portals?  What alternatives are there for franchisors looking for leads?


Top Story (2nd Week)

3050+ LinkedIn Views 

Frances Leary.jpgFrances Leary's Whom Do You Endorse on Linkedin? Why? 
 continues to be very popular.  Frances raises an important question.  When we write and publish using social media, what is correct way to balance writing for human readers versus bots?

In LinkedIn, when we write up our profiles we hope that people read them.

But, as the controversial endorsement program reveals, we have to be mindful of the bots & feed them, too.  Some great threads about the endorsement debate, and also here.


2nd Story 

2925+ LinkedIn Views 

Fred Berni.jpgFred Berni's  The Franchise Shell Game 
raises one of my favourite ideas.  If a franchisor uses a recruitment method to select his or her franchisors, can the same method be used by the franchise owner to recruit employees?

You would hope that franchisors would employ systems that scale this way.

Some terrific and different ideas discussed in The Franchisor's Group on this thread about recruiting franchise owners.

Another good thread on LinkedIn about recruiting franchise owners.



3rd Story

1160+ LinkedIn Views 

Dave Cyphers.jpgDave Cypher
's Get Rid of That Franchise Lead Generation Frustration Once and For All continues to beguile franchisors

How do franchisors deal with the new franchise prospect?

The one that is constantly travelling around the internet looking for information, yet never seeming to stop to buy?

Some interesting ideas about the not yet ready to buy franchise candidate.


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