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This Week In Review Traps & Pitfalls in Social Media 


This week's top story was about how treacherous Google can be for franchises.

The second story was explained some new ways to use LinkedIn.

And the third story cautioned us all on spending our hard earned ad fund on SEO.


Top Story 

2500+ LinkedIn Views



Trevor Sumner.jpgTrevor Sumner's How You Can "Partner" with Google 
exposed the difficulty franchises have in getting a return on their adwords adverstising.  

Over the past couple of years, Google has made it harder and harder to quantify the value and successful tactics of SEO campaigns by hiding the keywords from organic searches in analytics.  

It is now harder to use SEO tactics to drive people to your franchise website because Google has hidden the organic keywords from the analytics.

For  more read this thread.




2nd Story 

1800+ LinkedIn Views 


michaelwebster.jpgMichael Webster's If You Don't Start Marketing in LinkedIn Now, You Will Hate Yourself Later  
was a different look at the social platform, LinkedIn, and how you can create attention for yourself and your services.

There were a number of different ideas expressed on the LinkedIn thread.

My overall sense is that most people don't look at how any views their updates actually garner in LinkedIn.  LinkedIn should make this feature more clear.

3rd Story

1300+ LinkedIn Views 


tim lorang.jpgTimothy Lorang's Do You Know This One Easy and Effective Trick to Spying on Your Competition?  
was a good piece on basic website traffic measurement

As someone who advises others on ways to increase their web traffic, including but not exclusively SEO, I use Alexa. Anyone interested in measuring web traffic should use it.

Click here for the thread. 



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