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This Week In Review - Selling 

The theme for the second week of January was sales, sales to the not yet ready to buy, selling on a social media platform, and selling to the undercapitalized franchisee.

I guess some credit card bills are coming due and everyone is thinking of sales.


Most Read Update:  2045 LinkedIn Views 


Joe Caruso.jpgJoe Caruso's  
How To Market to the Qualified, But Not Yet Ready to Buy Prospect was the runaway winner for LinkedIn views.

This is an old topic, nuturing qualified leads from not ready to buy and to them calling you for an appointment.

Can you guess which salesman was the leader in this field?




Most Commented on Story - 13 Comments


Frances Leary.jpgFrances Leary's 
 Social Media Is Not Advertising continued to attract commentary.

Here are some of the differing points of view,  click here, and click here.  (You might have to be connected to me to see the threads.) 

My own view is that sharing information and hoping for a sale is not a sales procedure that works.  But, hey, who knows  - it might be working for a lot of people.



Most Engaging Article Published on Franchise Info

- 235 Readers who spent an average of 3:59 minutes reading



Richard Solomon.jpgRichard Solomon's  
Why Do Franchise Owners Really Fail?  revisited the standard problem of whether is enough material disclosure in an FDD for a franchisee to make a decent & reliable business plan.  (Here is one LinkedIn update - you might have to be connected with me to read it.)

Richard had an interesting view about how to treat the effects of the material non dislcosure in section 8 - the rebate section.

He has an interesting estimate of the true royalty rate, reflecting his many years reviewing the FDD and comparing it to reality.



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