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The Week In Review

Many of our readers have asked us to explain why certain stories were read, to give more context to the rankings.  We rely on more than the straight reader numbers, although we report those also. Many of the conversations started, are appearing all over LinkedIn, so we are going to summarize those comments.  (If we have got your idea twisted around, feel free to correct us!)


Most Read Update:  1899 LinkedIn Views 


Jason.jpgJason Duncan's article summarizing the SEI's attempts to unionize McDonald's was the most read update, attracting 1899 LinkedIn views.  My update in LinkedIn can be accessed by clicking here, by his first connections.  David P. Daniels brought some needed background history to the problem.  

The minimum wage question is likely to be a big issue in 2014, if our readers are good judges.



Most Commented on Story - 22 Comments

michaelwebster.jpgMichael Webster's original article in Metro Franchising, The Confidence Man in Franchising, available to all members of the Metro Franchise Assocation LinkedIn group, attracted 22 comments.  

The basic theme is that FDD's have grown too large, no longer disclose the basic information needed for a buyer to make an informed decision.  Both Ed Teixeira and Cheri Carroll contributed to the ongoing discussion about the evolving uses of Item 19s - a needed move away from previous sales practices.



Most Engaged Article Published on Franchise Info

- 225 Readers who spent 3:51 minutes Reading



Gerald Woodgate.jpgGerald Woodgate's article syndicated to Franchise Info, under our Creative Commons Licence, was the top article in terms of Engagement metrics.  Gearld wrote a very technical, but easy to read article, looking at Domino's Coupon advertising program in the U.K.  Gerald works with Drayton Bird -whose ad copy has sold more products and services more than all the people claiming to do content marketing! (Ok, I am making this up - but it seems plausible.) 

The reason you want to hire Gerald is that he knows how to write long copy that sells your product or service.  Give it a try & ask for the Drayton Bird money back guarantee.



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