Recently in Franchise-Info Category

As the editor of the IAFD newsletter, I want to congratulate all our readers.  In July, we made some changes to the website.  We wanted to make the inside sections more accessible, and it easier to read all the articles in each section.

And our readers loved it!  Before the changes, our readers read about 55,000 pages a month. 

But after the changes, our readers read 136,000 pages in July and over 425,000 pages in August.  Our writers thank you for interest and attention.


Here is what we changed.  

First, when you visit the site, you can now directly access our five sections: Franchisee Association News, Franchise Relations, Social Auidence Consulting, Suppliers and Consultants to Franchisees, and Tools and Resources for Associations.


All the sections are easily accessible from the main tool bar.  

The second change we made was to make it easy for our readers to simply page through any section.

Look at the bottomof Timonthy Lorang's post on How to Use a QR Code.


What you see is a simply way to scroll through all the articles in Social Audience Marketing - simple with one click.

You guys have been great - rewarding our writers with over 425,000 pages read as a group in August.  And our writers thank you and hope to be even more enaging by next quarter.

Happy Early Labor Day to Everyone in the US and Canada!

The IAFD cannot make you a better writer, but if you want to market to a better audience, then you just might want to be an IAFD Key Partner.


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This page is an archive of recent entries in the Franchise-Info category.

Metro Franchise Association is the previous category.

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