This week had a real eye opening theme for me. It amazed me, meeting after meeting, how few of my clients truly knew their demographic and how to reach them.
We work with our clients to market from a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional approach, understanding that different audiences need to be communicated with differently in different ways. The brand is the brand, but how the value of that brand is communicated depends not only on the medium but the intended audience.
A few weeks back, Mashable published an article “Women Win Facebook, Twitter, Zynga; Men Get LinkedIn, Reddit ” with an attached infographic. I believe it is well worth a look.
Yes, it does only delve into one arena in the marketing sphere, but I believe it tells a very vivid story about how men and women look at the world. Women, through looking at these stats, tend to be far more visual and willing to engage with those who market to them in the manner in which they want to be spoken to.
This is a great thing to think about in terms of overall marketing as women still control the majority of how disposable income is allocated.
Communicating the brand message is becoming ever more complex. Technology dictates that we develop messaging that not only penetrates different mediums, but now we have to look at the mediums itself and see who is viewing your message and if you are speaking to them in a style that they can relate to.
Use your analytics to your advantage. Find out who your clients are, where they feel comfortable being marketed to and let us help you develop strategies to Get YOU Noticed!
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