What Goals are You Setting for Your Social Media?

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Defining your goals is the first and most important part of your social media strategy. If you don't know why you're doing what you're doing, how in the world can you expect it to be successful?

In your business, there is likely some deeper "why" that motivates your team to succeed. It's not only the financial reward but something greater that inspires great things. The same is true for social media.

If you approach social media engagement with only the sales in mind, you're missing out on the deeper purpose. You're missing out on the opportunity to bring real value to your audience and to help them in a "no strings attached" kind of way.

If you can approach social engagement from a place that puts your customer first, then the results can be very powerful indeed. Some goals to consider might be:

  • Bring added value to our audience
  • Connect with a wider audience
  • Strengthen customer loyalty
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Connect with advocates and supporters
  • Boost brand credibility
  • Increase audience trust
  • Build relationships with your target market

Then you also have to consider what that primary "action" goal for business will be on social channels. As you begin to achieve the above goals, identify the main action you want your audience to take that will lead to customer conversions:

  • Sign up for newsletter list
  • Purchase products
  • Come in to your store
  • Visit your website
  • Call you

Your goals will dictate what pages you setup, what content you use and how you engage with your audience. So, spend the time you need to consider what you really want. It's the foundation you need for social media success.

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Frances -

This is a short but great article.

Too many people want to fast forward to a happy ending when using social networks to develop new business.

It's not surprising.

Many salespeople make the mistake of trying to close too early in the sales process.

It's no different in social selling.

Thank you for the comment, Joe.

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