Sometimes the truth is that franchisors do not actually know what their online presence looks like.
They may or may not be aware of what franchisees are doing online. They may or may not have a good picture of the brand messaging that is being communicated to the audience.
This brief online assessment tool provides franchisors just a bit of a nudge so they can take a closer look at what's happening online within their organization.
Is your franchise website ranking #1 on Google?
Is your website ranking on Page 1 of Google in all markets where you have franchise locations?
Are you aware of what your franchisees are posting online?
Do your franchisees regularly engage online in a way that is compliant?
Do you have an Internet Usage Policy in place that all franchisees and staff adhere to?
Is your social media communication consistent across all channels?
Do you have a plan that covers how franchisees should respond to negative posts online?
Do you have a system for monitoring franchise-wide social media engagement?
Do you have a system for delivering consistent, timely and well-crafted customer care through online platforms?
- Are you actively engaging in all your local markets with consistent social communication?
If you answered all 10 questions as YES, Congratulations!
Your Franchise's online presence is in great shape!
If you answered YES 8-9 times, your franchise has a fairly good standing online.
Consider hiring a consultant to do an analysis of your online strategy and to help you fill in any gaps you may be missing.
If you answered YES 7 or fewer times, you need professional help.
Even though you may be doing many things well, having 30% of your online presence missing the mark is a serious issue and could be causing your brand significant damage online.
Consult with a professional team that has expertise in online communication solutions, and make that call right away!
It's hard for a franchisor to take Frances's test and fail.
But you can use her list to fix your online image and activity then retake the test!