Do you have a fear of commitment when it comes to social media? If so, you're not alone. I came across the infographic below, which shows that 86% of people surveyed will leave a website if they are asked to fill out a form.
I thought about this from my own perspective, and I believe I would fall into the 86%. If I'm just browsing online, filling out a form, at least for me, signals some level of commitment to the company - most times I don't want to make it, so I will move on to the next thing.
However, if I'm truly interested in a company or website, I may fill out a form depending on what it is. The general reasons outlined in this infographic as to why people will leave rather than fill out a form are rather interesting, and make sense:
- The form is too long
- They are not sure how the information will be used
- Password fatigue
The first two points make good sense and companies should be mindful of both when creating such forms. We all know that the point of having users complete forms is generally for lead generation; it's important to be transparent in the reasons for collecting a user's information.
Offering some of the following information can be helpful and sway people to complete the form:
- That the information they share will not be shared or sold to third parties Will the user simply have access to information on your site?
- Will you be sending emails/promotional offers?
- If the information will be used for future communications, what is the approximate frequency?
Of course you want to capture as much information as possible when users are interested enough to complete a form. Just remember that it's the first step in relationship building - collect only the information you need on a very basic level at first.
People are wary of completing forms, so make it simple enough that you can start to create a relationship without turning away potential interest.
Password fatigue - how I love this term! I also love this statistic from the infographic: "2 in 5 feel that solving world peace would be easier than remembering all of their passwords."
Respondents also say that they'd rather have a social login for sites, meaning that they can log in via Facebook or Twitter. I can see that for convenience; I'll bet there are some, like me, who actually don't prefer this because I don't want to tie a site necessarily to my Facebook or Twitter account, and I'm not always sure if it will show up on my feeds or not.
This is a great infographic for companies to keep in mind when creating forms and lead generation capture points on their websites.
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Okay, is okay that I smiled when I was asked to fill out a form to make this comment?
I have my own blog and the comment spam is never ending. Even when I added a form to prevent comment spam; I still had fake signups.
Do other people use forms just to prevent spam? Or is just me?
Almost every moderated forum uses forms to prevent spam.
The key was that the form didn't ask too much, although it allowed you to add what you wanted to your profile.