If we can help you develop a program that motivates your staff in the right way, please be in touch.
Ben Baker, President
CMYK Solutions Inc.
If we can help you develop a program that motivates your staff in the right way, please be in touch.
Ben Baker, President
CMYK Solutions Inc.
In today’s world we need to understand not only what to communicate to our potential clients, but HOW. We need to understand that decisions are made on the move and not always by people tied to their desks. With that in mind, we are working more and more with our clients to design, develop and implement mobile marketing campaigns that allow them to capture their audiences attention where they are and when they are paying attention.
It is not enough though to develop an active campaign to draw them in. You need to have a platform that speaks the language of mobile. Websites are designed today to be viewed on 20″ monitors, 24″ to 36″ away. That is no longer reality for people on the move. Therefore we encourage people to develop simple, yet effective, MOBILE MICRO SITES that effectively tell a simplified story and move people effectively towards activation.
Here is the example of our website. From any mobile device, type in our regular URL and it will direct you to the mobile site.
We wanted people to know:
Let us help you succeed by showing you how to simply and effectively
We just received this success story from one of our key suppliers and I thought it would be of value to this group.
This is an innovative way to drive traffic online, capture data and convert prospects to loyal clients.
I hope that you find this of VALU E.
Looking forward to Getting YOU Noticed!
Customer Marketing Objective- Red Cross needed an incentive that would motivate people to register in the organization's online database.
Solution- A "Summer Scratch-Off Sweepstakes" digital download promotion.
Promotion Details- Red Cross distributed 200,000 scratch-off cards to people who visited Red Cross locations, each featuring a mystery code guaranteed to win a prize. Most codes contained music downloads for either one or five free songs.
But there were also three iPods, 2 DVD players and a 40-inch flat screen TV up for grabs, along with coupons good for discounts at Red Cross stores.
To find out what their mystery code was worth, scratch-off card recipients were first required to log on to a Red Cross web page and complete a registration form.
Upon completion, they could enter their code and instantly find out what they had won. CFS facilitated the promotion from start to finish - including music codes, printing, and prize fulfillment. CFS also handled the registration page and data capture functions, providing Red Cross with a data file on a weekly basis.
Results- The program was a huge hit - so much so that Red Cross distributed an additional 70,000 scratch-off cards. The end result, the Red Cross increased its database by 105,000 people, a 39 percent conversion rate.
This is the fifth and final article that comprise a White Paper titled The Internet and the Franchise Industry - How an industry misused the Internet. This paper describes the history of Internet communications in the Franchise Industry and suggests ways to improve the current situation.
Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - Internet Communications in our Society
Part 3 - Understanding Institutions that Support the Franchise Industry
Part 4 - Impact of the Internet on the Franchise Industry
Part 5 - What can be done in the Current Reality and Conclusion
The problems outlined in this paper have been twenty years in the making. They are the result of decisions made by tens of thousands of individual business owners. As a group, these business owners have not fully understood the implications of their decisions to utilize Internet communications in the way that they have chosen. It is now up to this same group to move forward in a more effective way. While some may find it convenient to blame current problems on unscrupulous franchisors, the franchisors should not be faulted for continuing to do business while franchisees have changed the way in which they operate. It is the franchisee institutions that have degraded and need to be rebuilt.
Changing the current status quo can only take place with a concerted effort by franchisees, and this change will take time. It took more than twenty years of steady decline to reach this point. It may take another decade before significant changes in the other direction are evident.
Here are three steps that franchisees can take to help restore balance in the franchisee/franchisor relationship.
1. Encourage and Support Independent Franchisee Associations
Where a franchise has an existing Independent Franchisee Association, support it as a paying member. Consider the association to be a long term investment to protect your interests when major changes to your franchise are being considered. Allow the association to serve as the voice of franchisees for all franchisee initiatives. Do not assume that a Franchisee Association financially supported by the franchisor will be looking out for your interests.
Where an Independent Franchisee Association does not exist, work to create one for your franchise. You can contact the International Association for Franchisees & Dealers (IAFD - www.Franchise-Info.ca) for information on how to begin the process.
When evaluating the value of an Independent Franchisee Association, do not be focused on short term considerations. Its true value is not in providing new vendors, creating new products/services or distributing a monthly newsletter. It is essential when a franchise is considering changes to a franchise agreement, new pricing models, technology initiatives and other long term determinations. These situations do not come up frequently. When they do come up, it is essential that your Independent Franchisee Association is fully funded and operational so that it can quickly marshal the expertise and resources necessary to evaluate, and then respond to, these opportunities or threats on your behalf.
2. Educate Yourself
Do not rely on information provided by a franchisor and do not assume that someone else is looking out for your welfare. Develop a broader perspective on your industry and the franchise industry in general.
Blue MauMau (www.BlueMauMau.org) is a great site for franchise industry news and information. Read their articles, participate on the discussion boards and share your knowledge with the community.
FranchiseFacts (www.FranchiseFactsUSA.com) runs a National Franchisee Survey each year and publishes an Annual Report. Participate in the survey, review the Annual Report.
These businesses are providing services that used to be provided by Franchisee Associations in the past. They are evolving as they determine the best way to support the Franchise Industry as it adapts to the technological changes outlined in this paper. With your support, these newer institutions will continue to develop.
3. Be Professional in all your Public Communications
Any group is only as strong as its weakest link. Unfortunately, too many weak links present themselves on the Internet. Individuals who would never write a proper letter will draft a short message in support of or opposed to something that has been published on a web site. For whatever reason, online posters seem comfortable with making statements they would never make to someone in person. Many of these messages are not grammatically correct, contain numerous spelling and/or factual errors, make slanderous accusations and include all types of outlandish comments. The vast majority of these individuals choose to remain anonymous. Some feel that they are doing a service to others by stating what they feel has been left unsaid. What many of these posters fail to recognize is that the content, presentation and tone of their message discredits the vast majority of franchisees in the eyes of those reading such a message. It is entirely likely that franchisors monitor many of the public discussion boards as one method of determining the pulse of their own franchisees. These poorly considered messages are unlikely to sway a franchisor nor are they likely to be considered reliable by other readers.
Three Suggestions to Improve your Online Posts
Identify Yourself - If you are uncomfortable with disclosing your identity, perhaps what you are saying needs to be reconsidered or presented differently. Don't use anonymity in place of preparing a more thoughtful and considered message. Anonymous posts are not and should not be considered to be credible. Instead of serving to advance dialog, anonymous posts more often result in a less than professional discussion of the topic at hand. Traditional print media learned long ago that the best way to promote thoughtful comment is to only publish those letters from an identifiable individual. In the online world, this lesson has yet to be enforced.
Read your message three times before posting - Is your message grammatically correct? Is the spelling correct? Have you completed your thoughts? Can portions of your message be interpreted differently due to lack of clarity? Does your message add to the discussion or are you simply repeating something that has already been said? You only have one opportunity to present your message before it is seen by the world. Be sure to give the right impression.
Do not criticize or complain without offering an alternative - It is much too easy to criticize or complain than to provide a more considered option. Yet it is quite common for online posters to make a complex topic appear much simpler by ignoring facts that may be inconvenient for them. In this way, the Internet has become the chosen venue for those opposed to virtually anything. Anonymity, false claims and repeat postings by individuals, or one individual pretending to be many, seek to misrepresent a reality that some prefer to ignore. Requiring individuals to follow some basic rules in order to have their opinion heard is not an unreasonable stipulation to facilitate discussion.
Demanding the same discipline for online postings as required for publication in traditional media would be an admirable goal. At the very least, these standards would lead to a more supportive environment where thought leaders are more likely to participate and, possibly, thrive. The net effect would be to present the franchisee community as a more professional, knowledgeable and authoritative group.
Franchisees, like most small business owners, are an independent lot. Many have succeeded where larger corporations have failed. They do so by understanding their own businesses to the minutest detail, by doing much on their own, making most decisions independently and having confidence in their own abilities.
Admirable as these traits are, however, there are limits to one's knowledge and capabilities. There is an old adage - a person who represents himself has a fool for a client. This was meant to describe someone choosing not to employ separate legal counsel at a criminal trial. Perhaps the same can be said about someone who thinks they can successfully oppose a large corporation without a comparable organization. Many in franchising have tried. Few have succeeded.
Unfortunately, the Internet has become a tool for the handyman lacking proper expertise. They have all this information available to them yet lack the ability to distinguish among good and bad information, and have even less ability to effectively use this information. It wasn't always this way and there is no need for the current situation to continue.
Franchisees need to acknowledge their individual limitations, recognize and support the development of institutions that compensate for these limitations, and allow these institutions to represent them in their dealings with franchisors.
About the Author
Perry Shoom is the founder of FranchiseFacts, a company that provides research services for the Franchise Industry. The company also publishes an Annual Report of the results from its National Franchisee Survey. The 2010 Annual Report, and the 2011 Franchisee Survey that is currently in progress, can both be found at www.FranchiseFactsUSA.com. The survey is open to all franchise owners and store managers. FranchiseFacts does not disclose identifying information that may be provided by survey respondents.
FDA issues first new rules under Food Safety Modernization Act
Rules to prevent potentially unsafe food from reaching consumers
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced two new regulations that will help ensure the safety and security of foods in the United States. The rules are the first to be issued by the FDA under the new authorities granted the agency by the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), signed into law by President Obama in January. Both rules will take effect July 3, 2011.
The first rule strengthens FDA's ability to prevent potentially unsafe food from entering commerce. It allows the FDA to administratively detain food the agency believes has been produced under insanitary or unsafe conditions. Previously, the FDA's ability to detain food products applied only when the agency had credible evidence that a food product presented was contaminated or mislabeled in a way that presented a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans or animals.
Beginning July, the FDA will be able to detain food products that it has reason to believe are adulterated or misbranded for up to 30 days, if needed, to ensure they are kept out of the marketplace. The products will be kept out of the marketplace while the agency determines whether an enforcement action such as seizure or federal injunction against distribution of the product in commerce, is necessary.
Before this new rule, the FDA would often work with state agencies to embargo a food product under the state's legal authority until federal enforcement action could be initiated in federal court. In keeping with other provisions in the FSMA, FDA will continue to work with state agencies on food safety and build stronger ties with those agencies.
"This authority strengthens significantly the FDA's ability to keep potentially harmful food from reaching U.S. consumers," said FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods Mike Taylor. "It is a prime example of how the new food safety law allows FDA to build prevention into our food safety system."
The second rule requires anyone importing food into the United States to inform the FDA if any country has refused entry to the same product, including food for animals. This new requirement will provide the agency with more information about foods that are being imported, which improves the FDA's ability to target foods that may pose a significant risk to public health. This new reporting requirement will be administered through the FDA's prior notice system for incoming shipments of imported food established under the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002.
With prior notice, in the event of a credible threat for a specific product or a specific manufacturer or processor, the FDA is able to mobilize and assist in the detention and removal of products that may pose a serious health threat to humans or animals.
"The new information on imports can help the FDA make better informed decisions in managing the potential risks of imported food entering the United States," Taylor said. "These rules will be followed later this year and next year by a series of proposed rules for both domestic and imported food that will help the FDA continue building the new food safety system called for by Congress."
The issuance of these rules is the latest accomplishment of FDA in implementing the new food safety law. In April, the FDA launched a consumer-friendly web search engine for recall information and issued the first annual report to Congress describing FDA's activities in protecting the U.S. food supply. FDA also released a guidance document to the seafood industry on ways to reduce or eliminate food safety hazards.
In addition, since the law was signed, the FDA has held two large public meetings with industry and consumer groups on the import and preventive control provisions of the law, and reached out extensively to partners in other federal, state, and foreign governments.
For more information:
• FDA Web Page: Food Safety Modernization Act
• Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance - Fourth Edition
The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation's food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.
This is the fourth of five articles that comprise a White Paper titled The Internet and the Franchise Industry - How an industry misused the Internet. This paper describes the history of Internet communications in the Franchise Industry and suggests ways to improve the current situation.
Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - Internet Communications in our Society
Part 3 - Understanding Institutions that Support the Franchise Industry
Part 4 - Impact of the Internet on the Franchise Industry
Part 5 - What can be done in the Current Reality and Conclusion
The Internet has had a significant impact on the Franchise Industry as a whole. There are many ways in which the Internet has facilitated communications within the industry, increased sales, improved customer service and even resulted in new products/services. Nevertheless, this industry has had to adapt as it has lost many of its institutions while those that remain are less effective. This has negatively affected both franchisor and franchisee in ways that are not often considered.
Individual franchisees have become more empowered. They have greater access to more information, vendors and services. Many no longer rely on their associations (institutions) for direction, services or support. There is, however, a negative aspect to these changes that is not often considered. While not entirely comprehensive, here are some of the ways in which the Franchise Industry has been negatively impacted by the growth of the Internet.
Both franchisee and franchisor suffer from the changes identified here. As the weaker party in the business relationship, franchisees must work together to if they desire to have an impact on the decisions made by their franchisor. And without a Franchisee Association to represent them, franchisees are normally unable to present a united front to combat business threats or to exploit business opportunities. The loss of a single voice and combined resources of an organized group, once provided through the Franchisee Association, also makes it more difficult for a franchisor to engage in dialog with franchisees. Decisions must still be made but with less effective input from franchisees. As a result, more of these decisions are likely to benefit the franchisor simply because franchisees do not see the value of supporting their own institutions.
About the Author
Perry Shoom is the founder of FranchiseFacts, a company that provides research services for the Franchise Industry. The company also publishes an Annual Report of the results from its National Franchisee Survey. The 2010 Annual Report, and the 2011 Franchisee Survey that is currently in progress, can both be found at www.FranchiseFactsUSA.com. The survey is open to all franchise owners and store managers. FranchiseFacts does not disclose identifying information that may be provided by survey respondents.
The First step in launching a successful direct mail campaign is identifying your target audience. “You must know the demographics and psychographics,” says Cliff Quicksell, Jr., MAS. “What is the predominant sex, average age, education, and income level? What are the emotional triggers that entice people to make a decision to purchase?”
When designing your direct mail promotion, try to involve as many of the senses as possible. Many companies use scented envelopes, greeting cards that play songs, flashlights, stress balls, and gourmet candy and food. The more recipients interact with your offering, the more likely they will respond.
Lastly, according to a recent study by the U.S. Postal Service, only 44% of direct mail is ever read. Since most of us already receive enormous amounts of unsolicited mail, it’s imperative that your packaging stands out. It’s your “in box” contains a stack of envelopes and a big purple box, which gets opened first? Unusual packaging, such as bright colors, tubes, oversized envelopes, or teaser copy will attract attention and curiosity. Remember, it’s not the quantity of the mailing, but the quality.