So, How Well Can You Tell a Story?

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Storytelling is an integral part of the marketing process. Without a good story to tell, how are people supposed to care about your product or company or take the time to realize your true value in market place?

Given three competing companies, each with similar product lines and comparable pricing structures, what sets one off from the others? It is how it relates its value to its potential customers. Through the development of consistent marketing tactics that transcend mediums, people begin to recognize the value of one company over the other, because they create the perception through marketing that they are different.

It is not enough to be different from your competition; you need to be perceived as different by those you wish to influence.

This does not come by accident. Strategy is a huge part of the equation. Taking the time to understand who you are as a company, the value you bring to the table, understanding who the audience that you wish to influence is and developing calls to action that resonate with those audiences takes time, budget and effort.

Here is a great article that I found in Entrepreneur magazine that speaks to this point.

The cow for sale may be a simplified example of how marketing works, but it demonstrates that you need to understand your audience and how to market your product in an effective manner.

The post So, How Well Can You Tell a Story? appeared first on CMYK Solutions Inc..

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Article on Marketing - Understanding the Audience is Spot on!

Knowing and understanding your audience, their world, their end jobs that your product or service is developed to solve - helps create clearer targeted message. Nike and PepsiCo are great examples.

Also, studying their end jobs eventually fosters future product enhancements and innovations.

Thanks Himanshi

I am glad you enjoyed the article. The better you can understand what your clients are trying to achieve, the better chance you have of developing a strategic marketing solution that will meet their goals.

I appreciate you reading the article.


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