Franchising is a complex sale.
The best way to increase the effectiveness of your marketing budget is to take a serious look at your sales process.
We can all do better at selling, especially when selling something as complicated as a franchise.
Whether you're a new franchise or seasoned franchise sales leader this event is for you.
If participating in this Roundtable event sells you only one extra franchise this year it will be worth your time and attention.
- Is your franchise sales process producing the results you want?
- Do you have the right 7 steps in your franchise sales process?
- Do you know the 3 questions all franchise candidates ask?
- Are you engaging effectively with qualified candidates from start to finish?
- Is your sales approach right for your concept, sales team and target profiles?
Put Tuesday, May 21st on your calendar and plan to attend the Capital Area Franchise Association -May 21, 2013 @ Columbia Country Club in Chevy Chase, MD. Topic: Expert Roundtable Discussion on Franchise Sales
Who should attend - CEOs, CDOs, franchise sales executives, candidate qualifiers, franchise brokers, franchise sales outsourcers, CRM & franchise marketing suppliers, legal compliance experts and franchise buyers interested in how franchises are professionally sold.
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