August 2018 Archives

When do you tell a franchise prospect that you have give up on them?

Two entirely different views here: which one do you favor?

Or do you have a different view?

I'm all for these emails. Communication is two way. Without a response the receiver is showing disrespect.

The sender here is clearly calling them out. It may upset the receiver, though hopefully help them understand that other people's time is just as valuable as theirs.

Agree. You can only contact the same prospect so many times with no response.

Politely shut the door as a salesperson and move on. I get a high rate of reply from this type of email/voicemail, and have closed many deals as a result.

James Kademan don't get how sending this message or one like it would be helpful to buyer or seller. Maybe you can explain it a bit more.

Emails like this only come about after several attempts to get in touch with someone that initially reached out on their own and has since stopped responding.

People that hate these emails are generally the ones that are terrible at responding to emails in general.

If you don't have the courtesy to tell someone "no" or what next step you want them to take, you are telling them their time is not valuable. For them to keep chasing you for the sake of being wanted.

This email is telling the non-responder that you don't chase.

If the receiver gets upset over an email like this, their skin is too thin to be in business anyways. I would have worded the email a bit differently and a day seems like too short of a timeframe.

But to keep your prospect list fresh without tire kickers, you need to pull some weeds. What is the other option you would propose?"

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