May 2019 Archives

In my many years of franchise selling, it took me a long time to understand something about myself that was painfully true as a sales manager.

And harder for me to see & accept than I care to admit.

Here is what I know & accept:  Fear Kills Sales.

Let me explain. Complex selling especially franchise selling takes time. It requires a series of buyer & seller phone meetings and sales advancing steps before you get the buyer's commitment, contract and the franchise fee.

But, during that process, things like this happen.

1. You are relieved when you make a call and you get a prospect's voice mail. You don't have to talk with them right now and you tell yourself later will probably be better anyway. Fear Kills Sales

2 . Your prospect cancels an appointment with you, but you are secretly comforted that you did not get rejected personally on the call. Fear Kills Sales

3. A prospect is a no show for a franchise sales appointment and the voice inside your head manufactures excuses why this is not a failure. Fear Kills Sales

4. Your CRM & Sales Process tells you it's time today to call your prospect.  But, instead of picking up the phone & face rejection, you send an email instead with a pretty video & brochure. Fear Kills Sales

Don't let Fear Kill Your Sales.

Instead, do this.

fear kills sales.jpeg

1.  Listen to the little voice inside your head and tell it you understand it's scary to risk rejection and do the exact opposite of what the fearful voice says.  Act in the Face of Fear.

2. Get a sales buddy - someone who you talk to about your daily sales calls and give them permission to hold you accountable. And fight the little voice inside your head together with their help (everyone needs a Yoda). Act in the Face of Fear.

3. Understand the little voice inside your head is weakest part of you and can be beaten consistently with practice.  Act in the Face of Fear.

4. Remember the fight with the little voice inside your head is ongoing and you win more when you get good at managing it. Act in the Face of Fear.

5. Give yourself permission to win more sales by making the tough calls and do not let the little voice inside your head control your better self.  Act in the Face of Fear

Practice this.

You'll have better sales calls, manage your fear of rejection, feel better about your selling by keeping that the little voice inside your head in check...

And get more sales!

P.S. This still happens to me and I must work hard to not let the little voice inside my head win.

For more content like this connect with me on LinkedIn, for franchise sales help call/text me at 502.396.9204 or email [email protected]  

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